Welcome to the Awardco Community! We're excited to have you with us. If you're new here, please visit our Getting Started section to learn more about all the community has to offer: https://awardco.vanillacommunities.com/categories/get-started.

How to Follow Categories

Following categories in Awardco Community is essential for staying informed about topics that interest you most. Here’s why it matters and how you can get started:

Why Follow Categories?

  • Stay Updated: Following categories ensures you receive notifications about new posts and discussions in topics that matter to you.
  • Enhance Engagement: It makes it easier to participate in relevant conversations and connect with others who share your interests.

How to Follow a Category:

  1. Locate the Bell Icon: On the top of each Category page, you'll find a bell icon.
  2. Click to Follow: Simply click the bell icon to start following the category.

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