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Awardco Community Guidelines

edited July 26 in Community Overview

1. Be Curious: 'Silly questions' don't exist here. We encourage open dialogue and questions of all kinds.
2. Be Respectful: The Awardco Community is always a safe space. Please treat all members with courtesy and respect.
3. No Profanity or Offensive Language: Please help us maintain a professional and inclusive environment in all discussion posts.
4. Stay On Topic: Keep comments and questions relevant to what is being explored in discussions.
5. Lend a Hand: If you can, please offer constructive advice and assistance to fellow community members.
6. Avoid Spamming: Refrain from excessive self-promotion or unrelated content.
7. Respect Privacy: Help us protect the confidentiality of user privacy pertaining to yourself and others by avoiding the sharing of sensitive/proprietary information.

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